In this next serialized scene from Hammer and Crowbar, who are played by
Bruno Knight and Samson Stone respectively, have very little work to do. The
Boss, played by Trojan Rock, tosses some boxes at them to sort through and put
away. Once he leaves for Handymen HQ however, the two masculine
men stop what they’re doing. They’ve got other things on their mind. Things
involving their tongues, lapping up sweat, tasting each others armpits, sucking
on big, uncut cock. If you were in the room with these two that’s all you’d be
thinking about so you can’t really blame Hammer and Crowbar. They eat each other
with passion and Bruno stretches out Samson’s delicious fuckhole and makes a
meal out of the man until it’s time to fuck. He mounts, he bucks and slams that
juicy cock in and out of the beefy bottom until he spurts his load directly into
Samson’s mouth. The hungry juice drinker laps it all up and swallows it down
before off a load of his own.
For more muscular men, sucking and fucking hard, go check out
For more muscular men, sucking and fucking hard, go check out
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