
Friday, March 12, 2010

Pantheon Model Rusty McMann featured on Salon.com

By Mitch Conner
Pantheon Bear model, Rusty McMann, is featured this week in a first-person account of his life as a Las Vegas escort on Salon.com. Rusty has been featured in several Pantheon movies including Bear Season, Bears in Paradise, and Backwoods Bears. As Rusty explains it, there a lot of stereotypes and preconceptions about what escorts should and shouldn't look like, "I'm 47 years old, I'm a good 30 pounds overweight, and I make my living by taking care of men who come to Las Vegas hoping for some skin time with other men -- for a fee. And in case you're ready to dismiss me as someone clinging onto the last shreds of his faded beauty, you should know that I was well into my 40s before I started hooking."

Read more at: http://www.salon.com/life/tmi/index.html?story=/mwt/feature/2010/03/11/confessions_of_call_bear

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